Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding UK William and Kate

Prince William and Kate Middleton say they have been “incredibly moved” by the affection shown to them since they announced their engagement. In a message in their official wedding programme they thanked- everyone most sincerely for their kindness.

During Friday’s Westminster Abbey ceremony Miss Middleton will vow to love comfort, honour and keep- but not obey Prince William.

Details of the order of service have been released on  the eve of the wedding.
The  Bride will walk up the asile to a coronation anthem I was Glad by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry from Psalm 122.
It was composed for the crowning of the Prince Williwm’s great great great grandfather Edward VII at Westminster Abbey in 1902.

St James’s Palace said many of the stunning pieces were chose by the royal couple for their `theatre`.
Rains companies have warned 400,000 people are expected to travel by train into central London on Friday at 15% rise in passengers compared with a normal Bank Holiday- but say they will be able to cope.

It is anticipated the events will be watched by million of people world wide on television, Thousands of journalists have descended on London and makeshift studios are outside Buckingham Palace and along the wedding  route.

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